About Chapter 10 – Putting it all together

Image from rlonas from Flickr

It’s been a long road and now it is time to summarize some of the things that we have learned during these months.

One common thought that comes to mind after reviewing the topics is that we are not ready to create software because we have put so much time and effort in diagrams, lists of requirements and relationships but not actual code.

The purpose of doing such diagrams and analysis is to explain to you a single process that you can use over and over again to write great software.

Do you remember still remember what design is? The types of testing? Some programming practices? The truth is that is not enough to memorize concepts. You need to face real problems and then move in the right direction when you are trying to develop a solution.

Let’s summarize some of the key topics that may come in handy for you

Three steps to get great software

  1. Make sure that your software does what the customer wants it to do
  2. Apply basic OO principles and flexibility and
  3. Strive for a maintainable, reusable design

Some OO principles:

  1. Encapsulate what varies
  2. Code to an interface rather to an implementation
  3. Each class in your application should have only one reason to change
  4. Classes are about behavior and functionality

Development Approaches

  1. Use case Driven dDevelopment
  2. Feature Driven Development
  3. Test Driven Development

Also keep in mind all about the agile methodology and culture. Test correctly and move fast. I hope you the best.

Bonus: here is a video that shows the SDLC. It’s basic but is always good to remember.



Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D. A McLaughlin, B, A Pollice, G, A West, D. 2007. O’Reilly Media, Incorporated.

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